How much does it cost?
There is no charge for pECGreview.
Can other team members participate?
Yes. Faculty, residents, students, nurses and other affiliated healthcare providers are welcome to participate.
Is it secure?
pECGreview is run on the REDCap platform. REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) is a secure web application for building and managing online surveys and databases.
What PHI data (personal identifiers) is collected?
We do not ask for any personal information except a current email address. The emails are kept in our secure REDCap database and are not used for any purpose except 1) to send the participants the ECG links and response links and 2) to identify their ECG reading in the report that is sent to the facilitator weekly. Participant specialty and stage of training is requested during the registration process. No other PHI data is collected.
What levels of participation are available?
1) Limited: The group facilitator provides the registration link to your fellows. No other commitment is required but discussion with the fellows is encouraged.
2) Full: The group facilitator provides the registration link to your fellows. Each Thursday you will receive a report of the readings by each of your fellows and you commit to providing them with feedback on their readings when educationally appropriate, at your discretion.
3) Contributor: In addition to providing feedback as above, you commit to annually contributing 5 ECGs with interpretation and commentary, and critically reviewing 5 ECGs currently in the program to improve their accuracy and educational content. All contributions will be acknowledged.
When are responses/reports sent?
Individual responses to participants are sent on Fridays at 9 AM (Central). If you choose to be a Full participant, a summary of all your participant responses (that only you receive) is sent on Thursdays at 4 PM (Central). The summary report that you receive includes the participant’s emails so that you can identify those that need individual attention.